Can you BELIEVE we’re in the homestretch of our second month together? Man. Time flies when you’re pulling your hair out at your laptop! HA!!!!!!!
But really. Wow. In terms of the growth and connection that’s been happening, it’s hard to believe it’s only been two months.
I can’t waaaaaait to connect in real-time this coming Saturday. I feel like we’ll have a lot to unpack. Bring your messy buns, coffee, honesty, and courage! (And if it ends up like last time, maybe have some Kleenex handy?)
Speaking of courage: I want to applaud Jodi for taking the Through the Mud reflection and making it the focus of her written prompt — an oh-so-beautiful take on becoming a mom. I want to also commend AnaGloria for doing the same and changing the name. Her “Taking the Leap” story (posted in the Facebook group) is just dripping with resilience.
And then Hannah! Oh, man. Her recent post about her struggles with writing is also beaming with courage. These questions hit hard: Am I ready to expose myself to not just to the world but to me as well? Am I prepared to truly know myself in the most intimate way? Will I like what I discover?
And Jamie!! She took a ditty from her list of 10 things — “The unexpected magic of animals in our lives” — and poured her heart into it. I can’t wait to cuddle up and really sit with the story she wrote about her cat.
I’m so amazed. Y’all inspire me. Speaking of…
Prompt Crushers
This month ain’t easy!!! Let’s give a standing O to Jamie, AnaGloria, and Hannah for completing the last three prompts. 🎉🎉🎉
Remember: If you complete all four nudges this month, your name will be tossed into a hat for a signed copy of my book Mama Be Present OR Think Remarkable by Guy Kawasaki. Your choice! // Psst! If you miss a week within the month, you can always catch up!
So, if you don’t have it yet, get the app here. Then, ask me for the direct link to the group!
Let’s give this a few weeks and see how it feels. If it turns out that this platform isn’t the right fit, we’ll adjust. The most important thing is that we keep showing up for ourselves and our words.
Our Next Speakeasy
If you’re a paid member, you should’ve gotten the calendar invite for March 1 from 10:30am-12pm MST. If you didn’t see it, lemme know.
If you’re not a paid member, but wanna see what it’s all about, you can “drop in” to one call any time and give it a whirl. Just send me a note!
Rescheduled Writing Workshop
As you may have seen, I’m now hosting monthly writing workshops at Mint & Serif in Lakewood. The first one was supposed to be Feb. 18, but I got sick, so now we’ll be meeting March 4 and there’s ONE seat open! Is it yours?? Get all the deets and the upcoming dates by clicking the image below.
Ready for this week’s shebang?
✒️ Writing About Writing ✒️
Take a moment to step back and reflect on your writing journey over these past two months. No matter how many prompts you’ve completed, you’ve given attention to your writing — and that matters.
What has surprised you? What have you learned about yourself as a writer? Maybe you’ve uncovered stories you didn’t expect, discovered what helps you get words on the page, or simply stayed in motion, even when it felt hard.
If you’re feeling resistance, write about why. What’s pulling you away? What’s making it feel forced? Or maybe you’ve been nurturing other things. Honor those things, too. Write about what’s been holding your attention. Tell us the story you’re currently living. And IF that story is a hard one, it just might be the beginning of a really good comeback story, you know?
If your writing has been flowing, reflect on why. What’s been fueling you? What feels good about where you are right now?
Even if you haven’t been physically writing, but something has been stirring in your soul, honor that. Lean into that. Write about that. Let it come OUT. Maybe you’ve been reading these emails and writing in your mind while driving, cooking, or tending to those everyday things you tend to. Let those thoughts be seen. You can even put them in an email to me!
No pressure, no right way — just a moment to acknowledge where you are and how far you’ve come.
So, when you’re ready to share, I encourage you to deliver this in whatever way feels best: on your Substack, a post in Facebook or Voxer, a direct email to me, or even a short video or voice text!
So, here’s what we’ve explored this month:
✔️ Write out 3 key experiences that have shaped who you are today.
✔️ Write three bullets below each of your key experiences that hint to stories within those experiences. (So, nine total bullets.)
✔️ Pick one of the bullets and write a short story about it.
✔️ Get set up on Voxer. (Or at least TRY to. If you don’t like it, noooo worries. It’ll still count towards the prompt if you try.)
✔️ Find a platform for your writing.
✔️ Share a link to that platform in Voxer and in the Facebook group. (Not everyone is on both platforms.)
✔️ Share 10 things you plan to write about. (These can weave in any or all of your nine bullets from prompt 1 or be totally new. You can simply share in the group or via one of your writing posts.)
✔️ Simply reflect on your resilience. No writing required.
✔️ Pick a story from your list of 10 things and write a short story about it OR write about the Through the Mud reflection if it moves you.
Prompt 4
✔️ Write about your writing!!
Have fun, good luck, and holler if you get stuck,
(Text me anytime! 303.550.8955)