Well, hiiiii! We did it. We survived the longest year of our lives that was January.
I’m so inspired by every single one of you and what you’ve put into this so far. I’m also still soaking in all the incredible things that happened on The Speakeasy call. One of these days, I’m gonna rewatch it and pull out some one-liners and big takeaways. Thank you for your time, bravery, vulnerability, and love!
Also. I know I’ve put emphasis on doing allll the prompts, but I hope you’re proud of yourself for what you wrote last month — whether you shared it or not. Whether you did it “all” or not. Taking any sort of action towards writing or art takes fucking courage. Even if you thought about it, that still counts.
You know what else takes courage? Resting. If you rested in place of writing because of illness, the state of the world, etc, I’m so proud of you.
Now, going back to allll the prompts, let’s give a standing O to those who cranked those suckers out!!
Jamie! Christin! Jodi! Ashley! Hannah! AnaGloria! Stacy!
And let’s keep the noise going for the two winners of the free editing/coaching of one piece in these coming February weeks:
🎉 JODI! 🎉
(I’ll be in touch with ya on the logistics!)
So, now that we’re into a fresh month, let’s SEIZE IT! Let’s grab February by the balls, baby! Let’s make the most of our precious time in this wacky, wacky world and squeeeze out the things that begging to be seen.
With that, let’s dig into this week’s prompt:
✒️ Story Sprouts
Based on what you shared in the Story Seeds prompt, let’s expand that a little bit.
Return to what you wrote in response to the question — What are three key experiences that have shaped who you are today? — and then write three more bullets below each of your key three experiences. So, you should be adding nine total new things. Three for each key experience. (If there are more you wanna add, by all means, do it.) These could be lessons you have learned, other stories, or just anything that breaks these experiences down. Keep them in outline form.
Then, pick ONE of the secondary experiences you added, set a timer for 10 minutes, and GO for it. Just let it flow. See what sprouts.
If you’re struggling, nurture your seeds. Take a little time to journal, pray, dance, walk, bust out old photo albums, read old journal entries, watch old home movies, or whatever will get you reflecting on the journey of this one, beautiful life you have been living.
Ahhhh! I can’t wait to see what comes of this one. Be sure to post your prompt in the group! There will be another prize for doing all of them again. Stay tuned.
Hugs and high fives,
P.S. It’s been a wackadoo couple days. I’ll be sharing my part in the group soon. Mwah!
P.P.S. This is shared with everyone again, so anything in the comments will be public.
Story Sprouts
1) My baptism with my husband at Bear Creek Lake: We were baptized by our buddy Caleb who later became our best man and children’s godfather.
We invited friends and family to join us and three friends were also baptized
To this day that experience is my favorite at Bear Creek Lake.
2)The birth of my daughter and son stepping into a stay at home mom role:
Both births were at Luthren hospital the day after my due dates all natural with no medications.
My biggest fear bringing my daughter home was giving her baths. Biggest blessing was all the extra cuddles from nursing
By biggest fear bringing my son home was not being able to give him the same beginning my daughter had with alone time together. Biggest blessing is seeing how much they have adored each other from the beginning.
3)Becoming a business owner.
My first business I started was with Amway. I named it Diamond in the Rough Enterprises.
Our family business is Here to Serve. It’s a handyman service with a mission
Owning these two businesses has stretched me in ways I could have never imagined.
My baptism is an experience I’ll never forget. July 22,2017. Darrien and I had known each other for about 8 months. We were not engaged but had already decided we would be married one day. We started planning in June , we picked the day in July and agreed to be abstinent until whenever we do decide to get married. We wanted to show our dedication to the Lord before dedicating our lives to each other. We knew when we got married our good friends and mentors Caleb and Kara would be best man and maid of honor. It made the most sense for us to have Caleb baptize us. He is a strong man of God and we all did life together. It was a beautiful sunny day and the beach wasn’t overly crowed. A picnic was planned for fellowship after. We invited our closest friends and family. I’ll never forget. We accidentally didn’t pay for one of our items at the store on the way there and decided to go back after the baptism and pay for it. What a start to a life with God, shoplifting on the first day haha We all met at the lake and had asked if anyone felt called to being baptized as well. Three friends were ready. Wes, Kim, and Karissa. What is funny is these are some of the only people that were there that day we don’t see anymore. The water was cold but it felt amazing. We all shared why it was put on our hearts to be baptized. I remember crying when my husband spoke of needing God to become the man he knew he could be. I talked about how I needed God and how grateful I was his love for me showed me how to love others. We were all in the water together but dipped in one by one after we shared. I remember my mom being there and being so proud of us but not truly understanding why we were doing what we were doing. We stayed in fellowship at the lake for another 3 hours before all parting ways. At the time we were staying in silverthorne for the summer so the drive there and back was longer but full of excitement as we talked about our new lives together.